Your title must contain all the necessary information about your article. An effective title will allow the reader to immediately grasp the point of your article. The title should contain keywords that relates to your topic. Writing an article about the advantages of being a vegetarian and naming it "Reasons why you should eat vegetables" would be a good example. It gives the readers an idea of what the article is about.
Your article introduction should summarize your content and sum up your key points. It should inspire your readers to read on or to learn more. Introductions are like movie trailers, they show the different important plots of the story including appealing contents.
Your article body should contain your main points, each of those points should be supported by sentences explaining or defining your point. These supporting sentences help readers fully understand your content. If possible, your supporting clauses should not be less than 3 sentences.
Your summary should also sum up your key points, but this time it should motivate your readers to take action upon what they have learned while reading your article. The most important action is to get your reader to remember your article once they have finished reading it.
These four basic components to your article namely the title, introduction, body and summary are the keys to making a good article but always remember that a good article is defined by its structure but a great article is determined by its writer’s passion.
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